Haidra Nivenly Member Discussion Process

An open post on the Haidra discussion.

Today is the beginning of the Nivenly General Member Discussion for Haidra. To help with the discussion, please take a look at our posts about Haidra and our Letter from Quintessence about Nivenly:

As was mentioned in Quintessence’s letter, we’re evaluating tools that provide more functionality and have a broader reach than GitHub tools. Most specifically, the ability to have member-only areas that will facilitate member discussions, elections, and so forth. The tool we’re using for this discussion is Discourse. (If it goes well, we’ll be keeping Discourse for broader use. We’ll outline the specifics when that time comes.)

The member discussion itself

The goal of Nivenly is to support open source, and the primary focus of any Nivenly conversation should be around how to incrementally improve the state of open source. There are a few member discussion topics that need to take place here, both in the AI space generally and as applies to Haidra, specifically.

  • Because this is the first member discussion we will be targeting an “unconference” style discussion where members suggest and vote on topics during the discussion.
  • Discussion topics need to be directed toward outcomes. For example, if the result of a discussion is that something doesn’t exist today, how can we work together to build it?

A couple example topics that may be used to seed the conversation:

  • What are examples of existing ethical AI models that projects can use?
  • What member contributions can improve the state of open source AI?
  • What could Haidra do (if anything) to satisfy concerns raised by members? What could be different?
  • What timeline would Haidra have to address concerns raised by members? What should the state of the project be during this timeline?

How to sign up for Discourse

Right now we cannot automate the sign up process for Discourse, e.g. by connecting to Open Collective. So for this part of the process, we’ll need to do a manual reconciliation. In order to do this:

We’re taking the step to approve the posts as they’re posted, so we can approve and delete the posts as we manually reconcile sign ups with Nivenly General Members (on Open Collective). Once your account has been approved, you can participate in the discussions in the Nivenly General Member area of Discourse.

Last modified January 12, 2025: Fixing a typo... in my name (#82) (a5dd3f3)