Nivenly's 2024 Financial Report

Nivenly’s 2024 Financial Report and analysis

Howdy, folks - I apologize for posting this a bit late, but we recently reviewed Nivenly’s 2024 Financial Report. Our intent is for this to become a much more frequent exercise, likely quarterly, for us to increase the transparency in our financial process and results.


Before we get into the analysis, here is the report: Nivenly 2024 Financial Report (Google Sheets, read-only). Please note there is a hidden sheet called “Cash Flow Detail” that has individual transactions that support the various tables. This data is not publicly available because raw transaction details often contain Personally Identifiable Information (PII).



As of 2024-12-31, Nivenly held the following accounts:

  • (Asset) Checking Ending Balance $38,057.08 USD
  • (Liability) Credit Card Balance $0.00 USD (we pay this off monthly)

In addition to these accounts, we had the following payables pending:

  • (Asset) Accounts Receiveable Outstanding Invoices $3,500.00 USD
  • (Liability) Accounts Payable Outstanding Invoices $0.00 USD

In short, we ended with a strong cash position relative to our monthly expenses. Furthermore, we have no outstanding debts or liabilities to pay out.


Revenue is down year over year, owing primarily to the relative dormancy of the Board following Kris Nova’s passing. Nivenly is highly dependent on the Board developing donation and subscription streams, and without much activity there, we did not pick up any large one-time or recurring donations. Recurring subscription revenue from individual Nivenly memberships was slightly down, with Hachyderm subscriptions slightly up.

YearTotal Revenue
2023*$52,986.74 USD
2024$37,520.56 USD

The outstanding A/R invoices represent approximately 10% of 2024 revenue; we have a high degree of confidence we will be able to reclaim this revenue.


Please note that Nivenly transferred expense liability from Kris Nova to the Foundation in July of 2023. The sharp year over year increase in expenses is due to this fact. When normalized for this fact, expenses are up slightly (~10-12%) due primarily to normal growth in storage and resilience for Hachyderm.

YearTotal Expenses
2023*$(19,782.63) USD
2024$(32,667.59) USD

Looking toward the future, we have applied for several grants & discounts in December and are waiting for results. If they are all accepted, these could lower expenses significantly by approximately 20%. We many not qualify for all of them because many companies gate non-profit discounts behind a 501c3 status, whereas Nivenly is a 501c4.

Net Cash Flow

Annual net cash flow is down sharply due to the circumstances discussed above:

  • Nivenly did not carry the full liability for expenses in 2023, so they did not “drag down” the cash flow figure in 2023.
  • The Board was relatively inactive in 2024 and revenues dropped sharply.

Combining these two effects yields a significant drop in cash flow. That being said, net cash flow was still positive overall.

YearNet Cash Flow
2023*$33,204.11 USD
2024$4,852.97 USD


Overall, Nivenly is in a financially strong position going into 2025. With increased activity by the Board and judicious management of expenses, we are confident we can use our position to begin expanding how we give back to the community, both directly through project work (like Hachyderm) and through a series of new grant programs.